Who is the Mad Cleric? Good question.
I am a learner.
I am addicted to information. And that addiction is beneficial when it comes to gaming, for there are more games than could ever be learned. As soon as I get the grasp of one game, I’ve got another book on my bedside table to consume. I know I’m not the only learner out there!
I want to learn with you.
I am a connector. I connect with people. I connect people with others. And I connect the dots with people. As a person energized by relationships, I learn best in community with others. Thus, when it comes to games, I don’t want to learn them in isolation. I want you to learn as I learn.
I am a communicator.
As a collector of information, I have learned to process, repackage, and redistribute that information. And this goes hand-in-hand with my desire for you to learn. I don’t aim to be the end-all, be-all expert. No, I want to pass along what I’m learning, so that you can learn too!
I enjoy the game.
It’s not one specific game–it’s the process of gaming itself. Thus, I am perpetually open to a new possibility. Always looking for that new game, that new experience, that new process of learning. As a result, I find it easy to see the good in most games. Because in the end, I love the game.
I am a mad cleric.
I’m not mad, as in angry. I’m just kind of strange–mad like a hatter. How so? I’m a husband and father of two, who still hangs out at the comic shop. I’m a pastor (a cleric, if you like), who loves the honesty and openness of the gaming community. I love to break stereotypes, wherever able. You might even call me mad.
I hope this strikes a chord with you, O gamer who has stumbled upon my site. I’d like you to join me on a quest to learn a new game. Or perhaps a new way of gaming. After all, that’s what I’m all about: learning the game together.