Well, well, well…look who the cat dragged in! That’s right, your old digital pal, the Mad Cleric. And what exactly have I been doing? Well, I’ll show you before I tell you:
A little bit of this…
A little bit of that…
Oh, and of course, some…
That’s right, I may be the only person to have logged plays of Chutes & Ladders on BoardGameGeek.com (my games are logged here). I’d apologize for not blogging, but I really have been busy with very important things. Between our third child’s birth and moving, I’ve been lucky to fit in any gaming–let alone blog about it! But on this Thanksgiving break, I’m glad to find a little extra time to fill in all my online gaming friends on my recent shenanigans.
So, here for the first time in six months, my friends, is my progress report on Chasing the Dragon: